Eletiofe2021 UTME: JAMB tells candidates to reprint mock exam...

2021 UTME: JAMB tells candidates to reprint mock exam slips


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JAMB has so far registered 1,223,962 UTME candidates and 63,586 DE candidates.

A cross-section of students writing the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) [thenationonlineng]

The board gave the directive in its Weekly Bulletin of the office of the Registrar made available to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Monday in Abuja.

JAMB stated that candidates who had indicated interests to sit for the mock- UTME and had earlier printed the examination slips were advised to reprint, following the shift in examination date.

“Candidates, who had registered for the 2021 UTME and indicated interest to sit for the optional mock examination, are to reprint their mock notification slips.

“This is consequent on the change of date for the mock- UTME earlier scheduled for Thursday, May 20 and now to hold on Thursday, June 3.

“It is imperative to reprint as the new slip will have a new date.

“As disclosed earlier, the optional mock notification slip can be printed from anywhere that candidates find convenient, provided they have internet access.

“To print the slip, candidates are to visit https://www.jamb.gov.ng then click on the facility and print their slips,” it stated.

The board explained that each slip contained candidates’ details such as registration number and most importantly, the centre they were to sit for the examination within their chosen examination town.

It added that the slip also contained the expected time to be at the centre.

Candidates, JAMB further advised, were expected to print and study the contents in the slip to avoid mix up in the location of their centres and name of the examination centres.

NAN recalls that the JAMB Registrar, Prof. Ishaq Oloyede, had recently announced the extension of the 2021 UTME and mock examinations, following reports of widespread delay in registration.

Oloyede said that 2021 Mock earlier scheduled for May 20 would now hold on June 3, while the UTME would hold from June 19 to July 3.

In a similar development, the board advised parents of candidates to avoid falling victims of extortion from some schools, under the pretence of registering their children in groups.

JAMB said, “Unlike the West African Examination Council (WAEC) or National Examination Council (NECO), the UTME and Direct Entry (DE) registration and examination are not school-based.

“As such, schools have no role whatsoever in these operational processes of the board.

“This is because these exercises require only the participation and engagement of individual candidates.

“Consequently, schools that are using the name of the board to swindle parents of humongous sums of money for registration or other services are hereby warned to desist forthwith,” it stated

According to the board, the information is necessary because it discovered series of data mutilation, occasioned by the unwholesome practice of group processing of registration, among others.

It added that the cost of the UTME forms (ePINs) remained N3,500 and N500 for the reading text and not more, and that accredited Computer Based Test (CBT) centres have been directed not to charge above N700 as service charge.

The board reiterated that parents were to ensure their children registered for the UTME individually and not as a group.

JAMB also said it had, so far, registered 1,223,962 UTME candidates, and 63,586 DE candidates.

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