EletiofeKwara-Niger Highway: Nigerian Army Personnel Accused Of Extorting Up...

Kwara-Niger Highway: Nigerian Army Personnel Accused Of Extorting Up To N2,000 From Drivers


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Motorists and passengers commuting along the Ilorin-Jebba-Mokwa Road, traversing between Kwara and Niger states have alleged extortion by Nigerian Army personnel stationed at various checkpoints on the highway.

According to sources, the incidents involve demands for money under threat of delayed passage and arbitrary barriers.

“After Mokwa, there is one new road that they are doing now,” explains a concerned driver who frequently uses this route. “They use sticks and tires to barricade the road to stop drivers from passing while demanding money like N100, N200 and N500 and above.”

The practice described suggests a systematic approach to extracting money from motorists, with drivers facing repercussions for non-compliance. “Any driver who refuses to pay will not be allowed to pass,” laments another source, highlighting the coercive tactics employed at the military checkpoints.

Reports indicate that the sums demanded vary but are significant, especially for commercial vehicles. “They are collecting maybe N1,000, N2,000 and above from heavy truck drivers and drivers of other ‘big’ vehicles carrying goods,” reveals a driver.

The timing of the alleged extortions appears calculated to maximise compliance.

“They mostly do the extortion around 8pm or 9pm,” notes a witness, suggesting heightened activity during evening hours when traffic might be heavier.

The methods used include physical obstructions to enforce stops and payments.

“They will put tires on the road to force drivers to slow down,” describes another witness, indicating deliberate efforts to impede traffic flow and compel compliance.

“I think it is a norm there for you to pass; you must pay,” reflects a passenger, conveying the prevailing sentiment among travellers. “That is an act of extortion.”

When contacted, Nigerian Army spokesperson Major General Onyema Nwachukwu stated, “That is a very serious offence. It is an aberration; it should never have happened.”

“Okay, I will notify the two commanders in charge of the axis,” Nwachukwu added. “I am sure they will conduct discreet reconnaissance and respond immediately.”

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