News6-year-old Boy Badly Injured While Fighting Off Dog To...

6-year-old Boy Badly Injured While Fighting Off Dog To Save His Little Sister (Photo)


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Nikki Walker saved his sister from a vicious dog

A little boy has received praises on social media after getting badly injured while fighting off a dog to save the life of his sister.

His niece, Nikki Walker shared the touching story of the incident on Instagram.

According to Nikki Walker, the young lad placed himself between his sister and a dog that was trying to attack her. He got bitten on the face multiple times but he made sure his sister wasn’t harmed and he managed to get her home safely.

He was quoted as saying:

“If someone was going to die, I thought it should be me.”

Nikki Walker wrote;

“My nephew is a hero who saved his little sister from an attacking dog. He, himself, took on the attack so that the dog wouldn’t get his sister. He later said, “If someone was going to die, I thought it should be me.” He got home from the hospital last night. I know it’s a long shot, but I’m reaching out to the Avengers and other heroes so that they can learn about this latest addition to their ranks. “

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