EletiofeYahaya Bello condoles Kogi NUJ Chairman over wife's death

Yahaya Bello condoles Kogi NUJ Chairman over wife’s death


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The Chairman, Kogi Council, Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Mr Jimoh Adeiza, has lost his wife, Zainab, on Friday.

A statement issued by the Chairman and Secretary, NUJ Correspondents’ Chapel, Messrs Friday Idachaba and Oyibo Salihu, respectively, described her death as “sad” and “shocking.’’

The chapel, while condoling Adeiza and family as well as the Kogi NUJ Council, prayed to God to grant her soul eternal rest.

Also, Gov. Yahaya Bello, on behalf of the people and government of the state, commiserated with the Adeiza family over the irreparable loss.

Bello, in a statement issued on Friday in Lokoja by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr Onogwu Muhammed, expressed sadness over the death.

The governor prayed God to grant the soul of the deceased eternal rest and give the family fortitude to bear the loss.

“I was moved by the powerful message I received from the deceased’s husband, which showed the level of closeness between late Mrs Zainab and her husband.

“I hereby urge the NUJ Chairman to put everything to prayer as it was only God that understands why He had to take her away at this point in time.

“As humans, no one could question the actions of God Almighty, moreso that death is a necessary end even though mortals seek longevity of life to fulfill some of their desires.

“Mrs Zainab was no doubt a caring mother and pillar of support to her husband while she was alive.

“The rain of testimonies about her humility and selflessness no doubt endeared her to many, including her husband’s associates and professional colleagues,” Bello stated.

While sympathising with the bereaved family, the NUJ and friends of the deceased over the irreparable loss, the governor said “only the Almighty could explain fully to ordinary mortals why some things happened, so we should all take heart”.

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